Thursday, July 11, 2019

Never Posted Vol. 1: things I wanted to say but chose not to on r/terracehouse

TBF, I'm not sure that City Pop has ever been known for having deep lyrics. It, like Disco in the US, was always more a celebration of materialism and economic good times or in the current scene nostalgia for the economic good times of the 80s in Japan.

But I can't say that Shohei 1.0 is any more formulaic than AKB48 when Rie was in it or Hiroomi's Sandaime J Soulbrothers. And that way can seemingly lead to commercial success in the music biz.
Hyperbole is perfectly fine. But the issue is that you're using mental diagnostical terminology that isn't matching her behavior. She might well be a narcissist (as are many who appear on reality TV shows) or she may have no empathy for others which is a symptom of sociopathy.
Is she likely to hurt someone emotionally with intention on this show? I would not be surprised. But I do think that the priming of the panel, and her RBF is leading many people around here to over-read her expressions and actions when she's been pretty forthright and normal. Is she competitive? Absolutely: she clearly does not like to lose in golf and drag racing and almost certainly that approach applies to her relationships. Would she willingly shove aside anyone who gets in the way of a guy she wants. Probably without a thought. Is she a psychopath if she does so?  No.
Eh, there is a small minority of people here who hate being called on their bile, and will down vote any suggestion that it's not okay to spew their hatred of particular housemates in any way they want. You irked the dozen or so anti-SJWs on the sub by calling out both misogyny and discriminatory language around mental health. They are not representative of the community as a whole, and, generally, their ineffectual whimpering gets drowned out in more popular threads. Unfortunately, they will never think twice about the language they use, but they might feel uncomfortable enough to stop pissing in the corners to mark their ever shrinking territory.
Exactly how many of these anti-men hate-campaigners have gone to every thread mentioning Kenny to assert that they knew from the beginning that he is, say, sleazy, and that his Instagram is proof of that. Yes, there have been like one reasoned discussions of the subject matter of his artwork, and one person up thread had some criticisms of, what, his motivation for giving Risako some coffee to give to her mother for Mother's Day? He seems perfectly fine to me too.

People disagreeing with your or my opinion on individuals does not a hate-campaigner make. It's the behavior of reacting to mentions of an individual across multiple threads by posting how horrible they are that makes a hate campaigner.  The anti-Haruka hate has been pretty light this week, but in the past few weeks we have had individual redditors repeatedly saying that she's a bad person and that she's going to shove aside anyone who gets in her way, just you watch.

Look, it is perfectly okay to judge people on a reality show. It's perfectly okay to express that dislike here. However, when that ire leads a person to bring up that individual even in unrelated threads (one guy raked Haruka in a thread entirely about Kaori after having done so in the other threads that week), then they are a hate-campaigner. When that behavior only focuses on women then they are an anti-women hate-campaigner. We have not, in general, seen nearly the same obsessive policing for ANY of the men on the show in any season to date. And we have certainly not seen it for Kenny yet. It could happen, but has not.

I am specifically and INTENTIONALLY being a contemptible junior mod when I use this language. There is no rule for this sub against denigrating only the women on this show or doing so at every mention of particular individual women. I do not think that there SHOULD be such a rule. However, that behavior is toxic and sexist, and I will call it out.
>she literally said that that was literally her intention.

Metaphorically, maybe, but literally not all. She said in her entrance interview that she has had a history of liking what other people have. Another interpretation of that scene is that it's a behavior that she acknowledges and that she wants to change. I don't think that there is any evidence that it's a behavior that she's proud of and plans to pursue on the show every chance she gets. In fact, she has said several times that she wants to learn to get along better with people her own age. Why are people consistently ignoring the evidence on the other side?

It's clear that both girls were interested Ruka initially, and both are interested in Kenny at this point in the show. It's seems likely that this is, indeed, a continuation of Haruka's admitted prior patterns. It's the ascribing of some sort Machiavellian intentions to her that I object to. Haruka gets to feel how she feels and so does Risako. It's only on their subsequent actions that they should be judged.

It may well turn out to be the case that in this very next scene two weeks from now that Haruka will do everything she can to shit-talk Risako to Kenny, and try to get him to drop her. Even if that is the case you should not crow (and not just because it's unseemly). First of all, he can't drop something he never held. Second, to this point she has DONE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. She has POSSIBLY betrayed some negative emotions on camera. She has asked out a guy she likes ON A DATING SHOW when she knew someone else liked that guy as well. The horror! It's not like she's climbed in bed with him (which HAS happened before on Terrace House, BTWs, maybe three times - Interestingly, the first two times no one judged the women for doing so since there was no rival. We judged the guy for letting it go that far when he had no romantic feelings for the women or, indeed, any human emotions at all from what we could tell.).

All is fair until a pair agree to go steady. Again, people get to like who they like. If Haruka ONLY likes what other women like, that will be problem for her for as long as she does so. It's kind of a pattern that carries its own punishment anyway. Yes, she may successfully become a mistress sometimes and feel that doing so affirms her beauty and charisma ("There is nothing that you can have that I can't steal"), but she's never going to find a person that way who will match what SHE really wants and needs.

But that may not be the type of person she is. People can be wrong in their self-assessments. And people can have feelings and choose to not act upon them for the sake of others' feelings. And, more rarely, people can change. She could surprise us in the next scene and say that she does not want to go out with Kenny at all while Risako is interested in him. It seems unlikely to me too, but, again, this entire situation is almost certainly a tempest in a teapot because Kenny is probably not interested in either of the two.
Kaori is "rather aggressive"? For helping Huraka which she was not entirely comfortable with? Egads, what do you expect from women? Women must always wait to be asked out? Should they men also be consulting with the women's fathers before asking them out, and have the show post their dowry amounts as part of their title cards?
>Shion’s so judgmental here! Tsk.

I know! He's almost as judgmental as literally almost everyone on this sub (yourself excluded obviously). How dare he! That's our job.
The issues with the idiots who crow about being right about the Yui's and Cheri's of the show is that it's all confirmation bias and sexist bullshit. They are the same type of people who dismissed Seina as being a pushover at the beginning of BxGND for drunk kissing Makun and accepting his ghosting of her after he left for California. It turns out Seina is many things, but a pushover is not one of them.

It's also incredibly reductive and essentiallist. People are not their worst moments nor their best. Yui acted hypocritically on the show (she just doesn't seem to be all that bright, to be honest), and Cheri consistently solely acted out of self-interest with very little empathy for others. OTOH, Yui also did a lot of domestic chores without being asked or expecting accolades for doing so. I would not want to share a house with Cheri, but she a neither diagnosable sociopath nor deserving of the amount of hate she receives around here. Her behavior even as bad as it was is well within the range of normal human behavior and not all that far from the way Kenken treated Ryoko or Taishi treated Anna or Oji treated Aya or Tap treated Mizuki or Makoto treated Yuriko or Wez treated Anna or Noah treated Shohei or ... And yet these idiots never feel the same urge to castigate the guys but instead relentlessly police only the women's behavior.

But we should forgive them as well. Clearly, they have about the same level of intelligence as Yui and Yuudai. They're too overly sensitive and willing to leap at any evidence that support their prejudices and ignore any evidence to the contrary to take their opinions seriously.


Anonymous said...
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Captain Parent said...

Fam, this is the quality content our e-communities need. Glad to hear these thoughts given voice