Friday, March 05, 2010

Friday poem

Conjure waffles
Conjure sunshine
Conjure palm trees
Conjure sex
I’ll tell you how:
Mix the batter
Heat the iron
Or go
To the Egg Shop
And buy a goddamn waffle
There is no mystery
Magic is embodied
In life
In healthy lust
And every aspiration attempted
In every fleeting win fulfilled
Conjure waffles
Conjure midnight
Conjure failure
Conjure pain
Life flails and decays
“The centre cannot hold”
So what
I am Shiva trampled
Better for having flared
With passion
And lost
(So many, many times
--- Does poetry ever help?)
Conjure waffles
Conjure sweetness
Conjure power
Conjure hope
We are the making
We are the righting
We are the healing
We are the convergence
The spirit manifest in the physical
The agents of wise and compassionate God
The angels of restoration
For each other
For each other
In the broken ways we can
Conjure waffles
Conjure sunshine
Conjure palm trees
Conjure sex

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